Annie Sandano, Half Moon

Annie Sandano works in a variety of media, upholding traditional fine art practices within a contemporary context. Her prints create a narrative of contemporary folklore with references to modern illustration, traditional Japanese woodcut prints and the respective histories of decorative and fine arts in Brazil and New Zealand.

Sandano’s new works see figurative elements combined with geometric and organic shapes in freeform arrangements with eruptions of colour. She works with what she calls a “virology of colour”: elements overlap, interact, jostle for space and achieve harmony in co-existence. She completed her Half Moon series for the Ahead of the Curve exhibition in the London studio where she is currently based.

Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Annie Sandano has since lived in New Zealand and The USA, and completed a large portion of the study towards her BFA degree abroad. She has spent much of the past three years travelling worldwide, between undertaking print residencies in Melbourne, Spain and London.