Ben Griffiths, Full Circle

With imagery sourced from popular culture and media, Ben Griffiths explores the ambiguity and absurdity of the human situation. In this series of miniature paintings, Griffiths explores themes of love and vulnerability through the use of nostalgia. Drawing on a range of song lyrics and other figures from popular culture of the 70's and 80's he hopes to spark an emotion or memory with the viewer. Although the works are personal to Griffiths, we each have our own emotional connections to popular songs and culture from days gone by which we can bring to these pieces.

Originally from Masterton, Ben Griffiths undertook his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree across four different institutions, completing his degree at Elam School of Fine Arts in 2005. Griffiths moved to Sweden in 2006, where he lived for 10 years and worked as a scenic painter for the Gothenburg Opera. He has since returned with his family to NZ and now lives in West Auckland, making art and working as a set artist in the film and TV industry.