Nuala Gregory, Addressing all Saints and Sages
Nuala Gregory works in the mediums of painting, printmaking, sculpture and drawing. In recent work, she has sought a return to the possibilities of colour, surface, and form. Her focus on the sensuous particulars of colour and shape within an artwork speaks of our growing need for a tangible, embodied experience of the world in this technologically-oriented age. Her series for the Push Play exhibition reproduces moments or excerpts from other paintings, which are then reassembled to form a playful zig-zagging column.
Gregory is also known for her writings on contemporary art and on art education. A recipient of numerous arts awards and bursaries, she has contributed to the visual arts environment through curation, artistic collaborations, international conferences, and the enhancement of arts programmes, teaching and infrastructure at tertiary level. Originally from Ireland and now a New Zealand resident and Associate Professor and Deputy Dean at the University of Auckland, Gregory’s work has been exhibited in Ireland, the USA, New Zealand, Mexico, China and Japan.