Stafford Allpress & Rebecca Thomson 2015

4 - 21 March 2015

Both Stafford Allpress and Rebecca Thomson work with and from found objects sourced specifically for their art making.

Thomson’s collagraphs on paper and fabric not only achieve a clever illusion of depth, but literally enter the third dimension with incisions that serve to release the printed object from the picture plane. Items of domestic ephemera - loaded as they are with nostalgia and poignancy - are an important resource for Thomson and there is a crestfallen quality to items like disused and unravelled cake frills.

Allpress’ miniature bas-relief floors are also studies in preservation. What began as a response to a change in Allpress’ personal surroundings expanded into a series of eccentric compositions in which warm areas of parquetry play against cold concrete. All components are of equal importance to Allpress who takes incredible care in crafting the particular distressed history of each floor in an exacting 1:20 scale.